Videos from the Hopi Emergency Solidarity Meeting on June 20

Here are the videos of yesterday’s solidarity meeting, which was attended by over 40 people and raised 230 pounds for our comrades struggling in Iran. The Speakers were Yassamine Mather and Moshe Machover with the Green Party’s Jim Jepps in the Chair. To find out more about upcoming HOPI meetings, or to request a speaker… Continue reading Videos from the Hopi Emergency Solidarity Meeting on June 20

A Day of Blood and Fire in Iran

Across Iran security forces have attacked barbarically any gatherings and have fought running battles with youth and workers. The death count at this time is up to 40 people with hundreds of injured still streaming in to hospitals and medical centres. Even the injured are being rounded up and attacked in the Hospitals. Thousands of… Continue reading A Day of Blood and Fire in Iran

Hopi Emergency Meeting: What lies behind the crisis in Iran?

Hopi Emergency Meeting What lies behind the crisis in Iran?   With Yassamine Mather and Moshe Machover. Followed by a fundraising social. 20 June 2009, 2pm Caxton House,129 St. John’s Way London, N19 3RQ Iranian society is convulsed by a political crisis on a scale not seen for 30 years. Masses of Iranian people have… Continue reading Hopi Emergency Meeting: What lies behind the crisis in Iran?