Meeting commemorating the massacre of political prisoners in the 1980’s

Solidarity with the people’s struggles in Iran Commemoration of the massacre of Iranian political prisoners during the 1980s & in 1988 Speakers: Shahin Chitsaz: Iran’s Islamic Republic fears the power of struggle and resistance of women political prisoners Mike Macnair: Why Iran’s Islamic Republic is not anti-imperialist Moshe Machover: Iran-Israel – Hot war / cold… Continue reading Meeting commemorating the massacre of political prisoners in the 1980’s

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Centrality of class independence

Khomeini and the clergy completely outmanoeuvred the left. But it need not have been that way. In his second and concluding article on the role of oil workers in the 1979 revolution, Peyman Jafari stresses the complex nature of ideology and class consciousness On January 12 1979, two weeks after the Oil Strikes Coordinating Committee… Continue reading Centrality of class independence

Surviving against all the odds

Why are the leaders of the Islamic Republic still looking so confident? The answer lies in the dismal failures of the global hegemon, argues Yassamine Mather The ceremonies marking the inauguration of the new Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, could not have come at a worse time for the country’s rulers. Despite Raisi’s repeated reassurances that… Continue reading Surviving against all the odds

Critique webinar in Persian

نشریه‌ی کریتیک Critique برگزار می‌کند:وبینار خوزستان در آینه‌ی اقتصاد سیاسی___________سخنرانان • اردشیر مهرداد (پژوهشگر و سردبیر پیشین ایران بولتن)• کاوه احسانی (پژوهشگر و استادیار دانشگاه دی‌پال)___________چهار‌شنبه 20 مردادماه، 11 اوتساعت 21 به وقت تهران، 18:30 به وقت اروپای مرکز___________برای حضور در وبینار در لینک زیر ثبت‌نام کنید:…/reg…/WN_c2Z2yrD-RaqRMWcGwxgGzw

Categorised as Events

The Imam, the strikers and the black, black oil

There are rich lessons for today in the experiences of the oil strikes of 1978. In the first of two articles Peyman Jafari charts the incredibly difficult struggle for organisation, hegemony and strategy “We are melting away,” lamented the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on December 26 1978 in a phone tap of a conversation with… Continue reading The Imam, the strikers and the black, black oil

Statement No. 6 of the Council of Organizing the Protests of Oil Pact Workers

A few important points – Given the fact that our strike is spreading fast and workers from other sections are joining this strike, and the support and solidarity we have received, we are in a good position to win important parts of our demands. With our widespread strikes so far, there is heavy pressure on… Continue reading Statement No. 6 of the Council of Organizing the Protests of Oil Pact Workers

Solidarity messages to Iranian oil workers

Oil and gas workers in Iran on one-day and other short-term contracts have gone on strike. They are demanding the reinstatement of sacked colleagues, full-time employment, better pay, more time off to see their families, improved living conditions and an end to the special economic zones and the system of subcontracting. The strike was initiated… Continue reading Solidarity messages to Iranian oil workers