“Natarsid! Natarsid! Mah hameh bah ham hastim!” – Another day of defiance in Iran

Thousands of people defied bullets, batons and death and came out onto the streets shouting “Natarsid! Natarsid! Mah hameh bah ham hastim!”  (Don’t be scared! Don’t be scared! We are all together!). June 20 saw the mass murder of demonstrators by security forces, it is unclear how many people are dead as estimates range from… Continue reading “Natarsid! Natarsid! Mah hameh bah ham hastim!” – Another day of defiance in Iran

Students beaten, tortured, raped and killed in Iran – Statement of surviving students arrested in Tehran University Dormitory

Hands Off the People of Iran received this a couple of hours ago, it details some disturbing acts of violence committed by the security forces. The following statement is written by 4 of the Tehran university students who were arrested in Tehran university dormitory on Sunday night, when Basij, Sepah, and the anti rebellion guard… Continue reading Students beaten, tortured, raped and killed in Iran – Statement of surviving students arrested in Tehran University Dormitory