Do Not Deport Mehrshad Sadeghi to Iran!‏‏ He is 9 years old!

Child M is Mehrshad Sadeghi from Gorton, Manchester. He is a 9 Year Old boy.


Mehrshad is a happy and successful boy from a Manchester school. He has lived with his family in Manchester for the last two years. He has many friends.


Mehrshad and his family are seeking asylum. They face persecution and imprisonment in Iran. The family are in serious danger on their return to Iran, so they have lodged appeals to the UK Border Agency, The Court of Appeal and The High Court.


Child M and his family – Ahmed Sadeghi (brother) and Farah Ghaemi (mother) are booked on the BMI flight to Tehran – BD931 at 6.30 this evening.


We urge you not to let them on this flight – they are forcibly being removed from this country and are being deported illegally. They do not want to be returned to Iran. The adults in the family face serious danger and no one knows what will happen to Mehrshad. He cannot stop his deportation from this country.

You can.

Thousands of people across the United Kingdom have supported their right to stay here. Details of their case have been published in major newspapers today.


We have high profile supporters some of these include; Micheal Rosen

                                                                                                 Caroline Lucas MP

                                                                                                 English PEN

                                                                                                 Baroness Afshar

                                                                                                 Bill Greenshields NUT President


We will encourage all our supporters to boycott BMI flights in the future if you let this family board the flight.




  1. The heartlessness of the UK Border Agency is frightening, and the apparent lack of consideration of the dangers of forcing flights to threatening countries such as Iran. I am deeply opposed to their whole ethos. As our public servants, they do not represent me for one. Their behaviour is abhorrent. I urge them to revise their decision urgently.

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