Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

Last week, the leader of the Islamic state (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or Isis) appeared in Friday prayers in Mosul addressing Muslims worldwide. At least this is what his supporters claimed after a week when the organisation had declared the territory under their control a “caliphate”. On July 3 the… Continue reading Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

Iran: Arrogance and the supreme leader

The sharp improvement in the relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic (and subsequently between the United Kingdom and Iran) has been remarkable – Washington is seriously considering military cooperation with Iran over the civil war in Iraq. Above all else, this is a reflection of the absence of any strategy by the… Continue reading Iran: Arrogance and the supreme leader

Iran UK relations

William Hague has said plans to re-open the British Embassy in Tehran are an “important step forward” in relations with Iran. HOPI chair Yassamine Mather spoke to Mark Fischer on today’s developments  

Iraq – No to Military Intervention by the United States and Iran

Iraq totters on the edge of social meltdown and western imperialist powers and their allies flounder for a half rational response. What’s going on and what are the implications for the wider region? Yassamine Mather of Hands Off the People of Iran spoke to Mark Fischer MF: In contradiction to some of the commentary that… Continue reading Iraq – No to Military Intervention by the United States and Iran

Categorised as Articles

Half-Marathon for Workers Fund Iran

Workers Fund Iran does excellent work raising practical solidarity with working class people (employed and unemployed) in Iran. Iranians suffer both from the effects of US-led sanctions and the neoliberal and repressive policies of their own regime. These factors combined with the global economic crisis have resulted in intolerable conditions for the mass of people… Continue reading Half-Marathon for Workers Fund Iran

HOPI’s Yassamine Mather on BBC Persian Service

The United States is about to release the frozen cash in some Iranians’ bank accounts, saying Tehran has kept to the interim deal over its nuclear programme. Yassamine Mather was invited to discuss the deal on the BBC Persian Service. Note, the clip is in Farsi throughout!

Shahrokh Zamani returned to Gohardasht prison

Shahrokh Zamani, labour  activist and a member of  the Council of Representatives of Labour Organizations and member of the Painters Union spent over 30 days in  hunger strike. Zamani has been in prison since June 2011   charged with participating in the organisation of an illegal group against the regime,  the Democratic Workers Movement with the… Continue reading Shahrokh Zamani returned to Gohardasht prison

Categorised as Iran News