Review of the year 2014 – BBC Persian Service

Yassamine Mather’s contribution to BBC Persian Service Review of the year: Iran nuclear negotiations, Afghanistan, The Islamic State and the Middle East, Ukraine صفحه دو آخر سال: مروری بر رویدادهای مهم جهان در سال میلادی ۲۰۱۴ در این برنامه ویژه نگاهی می کنیم به چهار رویداد مهم در عرصه جهانی و منطقه ای، مذاکرات هسته… Continue reading Review of the year 2014 – BBC Persian Service

The masses bear the brunt

Yassamine Mather assesses the latest extension of negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 powers On November 24, for the second time in a year, Iran and the 5+1 world powers failed to reach an agreement over Tehran’s nuclear programme, and the deadline for finding a ‘comprehensive’ deal had to be extended yet again.

No safe space for women

On October 25 the authorities in Iran’s Islamic Republic executed Reyhaneh Jabbari for killing a man who allegedly tried to rape her in 2009. The 26-year-old Reyhaneh had spent the last seven years in prison, charged with the murder of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a general medical practitioner who had previously worked for the intelligence ministry.… Continue reading No safe space for women

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Imperialism has no progressive role in Kobanê

The group formerly known as Daesh (Isis), now Islamic State, entered the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobanê In the early hours of Tuesday October 7. As this statement is issued, air strikes seem to have halted its advance for the moment, street-to-street fighting is taking place and initial reports suggest that in these battles secular… Continue reading Imperialism has no progressive role in Kobanê

No To Intervention! Islamic State atrocities must not disorientate us! There are no short cuts, no easy solutions to the crisis in the middle east!

Every new barbaric atrocity by the Islamic State (Isis) makes headlines. Precisely as they are intended to do. US attacks may have the effect of slowing down Isis’ military progress – but it cannot be beaten by military interventions. Ironically, only a year ago all the talk was of US military intervention on the side… Continue reading No To Intervention! Islamic State atrocities must not disorientate us! There are no short cuts, no easy solutions to the crisis in the middle east!

The origins, politics and economics of the Islamic State

Consequences of IS atrocities disorientate the left Every day news of new atrocities by the Islamic State is making headlines. From the beheading of young journalists to the mass extermination of religious and national minorities in Iraq and Syria, there seems to be no end to the barbarism and brutality of this latest brand of… Continue reading The origins, politics and economics of the Islamic State

Iran, Israel and Isis

Spreading like a cancer As the massacre in Gaza continues, time and time again the survivors of the conflict are heard on Middle Eastern and western media complaining about the leaders of Arab countries failing the Palestinian cause. In fact, even in comparison with previous wars, the official reaction by Arab states has been extremely… Continue reading Iran, Israel and Isis