Iran: their solidarity and ours

Yassamine Mather examines a regime in crisis and looks to working class forces for a solution The continuation of demonstrations and protests against the Islamic republic of Iran, albeit on a smaller scale than two weeks ago, have fuelled further divisions at every level of the religious state: the Shia scholars of Ghom oppose the… Continue reading Iran: their solidarity and ours

Beyond Moussavi: The Movement of the Iranian Masses

An article by Hopi Steering Committee Member David Broder on the Commune website: While in the last two years there were strikes on the Tehran bus network and in isolated factories, as well as illegal student protests thousands strong, the post-election demonstrations were by far the greatest challenge to the authority of the Ayatollahs’ regime… Continue reading Beyond Moussavi: The Movement of the Iranian Masses

Against imperialist war, against theocratic rule

Mike Macnair explains why it is now more urgent than ever to fight on two fronts (first published in the Weekly Worker- source) In last week’s issue James Turley charted the responses of the British left to the mass mobilisations in Iran against Ahmadinejad’s ‘re-election’ and to the repression unleashed by the regime. In the… Continue reading Against imperialist war, against theocratic rule

Iran 2009: Society in Rebellion – Meeting this Saturday!

Solidarity meeting hosted by Hands Off the People of Iran Saturday July 4, 17.10 Room 3B University of London Union, Malet Street Speakers: John McDonnell MP Yassamine Mather (HOPI Chair) Socialist Workers’ Party (invited) Socialist Party (invited) Iranian society is convulsed by a political crisis on a scale not seen for over a decade. Masses… Continue reading Iran 2009: Society in Rebellion – Meeting this Saturday!