Az ünnepi rendezvények jelentősége a kulturális örökség megőrzésében

Materiális értékeket, például építészeti építményeket, műemlékeket, valamint nemzedékről nemzedékre őrzött immateriális összetevőket, például nyelveket, szertartásokat, szokásokat és rítusokat foglal magában. A nemzeti örökség védelme rendkívül fontos, mert nemcsak az ókorra emlékeztet, hanem a nemzet öntudatát formálja, támogatja a társadalmi értékeket, hozzájárul a társadalmi kohézió fejlesztéséhez. A kulturális definíció. örökség és jelentősége. A nemzeti örökség minden… Continue reading Az ünnepi rendezvények jelentősége a kulturális örökség megőrzésében

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“Oh West”: Delinking from the Coloniality of Iranian Imagination

Payam Hassanzadeh Ghalebsaz Almost six months after the start of what then came to be rightly known as “Women, Life, Freedom” revolution (I prefer revolution because although it has not yet toppled down the state, reducing it to the act of overthrowing the government is itself a reduction within the logic of coloniality, besides revolutions… Continue reading “Oh West”: Delinking from the Coloniality of Iranian Imagination

Unternehmen, Verbände und Institutionen – ihr Einfluss auf die Verbesserung des Landes

In der heutigen Welt spielen Unternehmen, Konzerne und Institutionen eine wichtige Rolle in der Wirtschaft eines jeden Landes. Ihr Einfluss zeigt sich auf allen Ebenen, von der Bereitstellung offener Stellen über die Umsetzung von Innovationen bis hin zur Entwicklung öffentlicher Kommunikation. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Untersuchung verschiedener Elemente des Einflusses der Wirtschaft auf… Continue reading Unternehmen, Verbände und Institutionen – ihr Einfluss auf die Verbesserung des Landes

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The Voice of the Iranian Revolution

The following appeal for international solidarity has come from inside Iran and we the undersigned declare our support for this call, and hope you will join us by adding your name to it. HOPI encourages our supporters to sign the statement here:

Shoras, party and programme

Illusions in so-called bourgeois democracy persist – as do illusions in workers’ councils. Mike Macnair stresses the necessity of a mass party As Yassamine Mather has pointed out in her contribution, the Iranian left is affected by illusions in the possible role of shoras (councils) as an alternative to the regime. However, there were widespread… Continue reading Shoras, party and programme

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Protests and the bigger picture

This is Yassamine Mather’s introduction to a recent meeting on the protests in Iran- watch the video here. A google-translated Farsi version is here: We are here to discuss recent events in Iran and their national and regional repercussions. The demonstrations have been going on for four months now. The regime has reacted by executing… Continue reading Protests and the bigger picture

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Video of HOPI meeting on Iran protests

Short introduction by Yassamine MatherMoshe Machover speaks about the new ‘theocratic state’ in Israel and the threat of a regional war between two reactionary states , Iran’s Islamic Republic and IsraelMike Macnair speaks of illusions regrading spontaneity and council, and the need for strategy, program, organisation, & unity

Rebuild on solid foundations

Yassamine Mather celebrates the continuing mass protests, recognises their limitations, laments the parlous state of the left and urges unity around the basic principles upheld by Hopi (This article is based on Yassamine’s talk in this video) You would not know from the media that the protests are continuing – they are now entering a… Continue reading Rebuild on solid foundations

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Two statements on the protests (in Farsi)

بیانیه هایی برای تشکیل یک فروم چپ Iran, Third Voice: Call for a ‘leftist forum’:

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