Iran and the threat of war- Torab Saleth

Part one

Torab Saleth looks at the nature of the Iranian regime and its relationship with the United States. He describes the history of the conflict and goes behind the current media speculation to explain what is really going on in the Middle East.

Part two

Torab Saleth responds to questions and points from audience members

Torab Saleth looks at the nature of the Iranian regime and its relationship with the United States. He describes the history of the conflict and goes behind the current media speculation to explain what is really going on in the Middle East.

One comment

  1. When you have people born into “the steysm” be it North Korea, the Third Reich, Soviet Russia or Iran, eventually they find the truth about the “decadent” outside and stuff begins to hit the fan. I suspect that the Ayatollahs forgot how they landed in charge and allegations of US meddling underscore how much Soviet assisatnce they probably had.When the Mossad becomes the crux of Tehran’s propaganda in the current political uprising, I’ll worry more.

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