LRC vs HOPI: Solidarity Cricket Match – August 29

Batting for internationalism
Batting for internationalism

August 29 will once again see Hands Off the People of Iran play the Labour Representation Committee in their annual solidarity cricket match to raise £1,500 for the charity Workers Fund Iran, which raises money for Iranian workers. ( In the face of an enormous political and economic crisis, a new round of UN sanctions and war threats, Iranian workers are in a very difficult situation.

This is why it is absolutely vital that the workers’ movement in this country organizes material and ideological solidarity with workers’, women’s and students’ struggles in Iran – they are our natural allies and a true beacon of hope for genuine democracy and freedom.

This is the second solidarity cricket event following the successful match last year (see for a report) and we are confident that this year will be even bigger and better than the last one. Those of you who attended last year will know the score by now: food, drink, cricket and a social in the evening. Those of you who don’t will doubtless be kicking yourselves for missing out, but you can make up for it this year!

We are calling on your help to make this day as successful as possible.

Can you:

*Play? The standard will be more ‘village’ than the ‘Test Match’ so even if you have to brush off those pads after years of neglect – get in touch! Both male and female welcome players welcome!

*Get your union branch/campaign/organisation to sponsor the event and cover some of the numerous costs involved in organising the events? Get in touch and we will send you a model motion

*Help out on the day? There is a load of work to do on the day itself, and the more people we have to help

*Promote the event in mailouts, on blogs, or help with leafleting for the event

*Take some leaflets to hand out locally?

Please get in touch with us to offer your help, show solidarity or find out more about what should be an excellent event for an excellent cause!

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