A region in flux

Yassamine Mather of Hands off the People of Iran examines the failure of political Islam and imperialism’s attempts to adjust its alliances Irrespective of what happens in 2014, the year 2013 will be remembered as a year of historic changes in Iran-US relations. For the first time in 34 years, a US president has spoken… Continue reading A region in flux

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Hands off the People of Iran Day School , January 25 2014 (فارسی)

10am University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Registration: 10am 10.30am – 12.30 Israel and the need for war: Moshe Machover, Israeli socialist and founder of Matzpen. Imperialism, nuclear negotiations and US -Iran relations: Mike Macnair, CPGB. 1 – 3pm Repression – Iran’s political prisoners: speaker TBC Sanctions, job losses and workers struggles: Yassamine Mather 3… Continue reading Hands off the People of Iran Day School , January 25 2014 (فارسی)

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Solidarity with political prisoners

The thawing of the relations between the Iran and the west has resulted in an intensification on the repression bearing down on activists domestically and a flurry of executions of prisoners, some of them long term. Urgent solidarity is required in particular with the following activists Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, a member of the Committee for the… Continue reading Solidarity with political prisoners

Categorised as Solidarity

Iran: End sanctions now

Details of Iran’s proposals at the much heralded negotiations with the P5+1 powers that took place last weekend in Geneva were supposed to be secret. However, rumours about what has or has not been agreed have filled the Iranian and international press. The destiny of 75 million Iranians, if not the entire population of the… Continue reading Iran: End sanctions now

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