Mass arrest of trade unionists in Karaj

Yesterday, Friday 15th of June at 12 noon 60 members of the Coordinating Committee to Help Form Workers’ organizations and a number of labor activists were arrested in the city of Karaj. According to the latest news, Mitra Homayooni, Vafa Ghaderi, Reyhaneh Ansari, Khaled Hosseini, Mahmoud Salehi, Saeed Moghaddam, Cyrus Fathi, Ghaleb Hoss are amongst… Continue reading Mass arrest of trade unionists in Karaj

Listen to Moshé Machover on Iran, Israel and the Middle East

The public meeting held on Monday 28th May to discuss the war threats against Iran, which was jointly organised by Hands Off the People of Iran and the Milton Keynes Stop the War group was a good success. Over 20 people attended and heard an excellent opening from Moshé Machover, Israeli socialist and member of… Continue reading Listen to Moshé Machover on Iran, Israel and the Middle East

Arash Sadeghi and Hossein Ronaghi on Hunger Strike – Solidarity needed

Below is an article which appeared on the Iranian website Eshterak reporting on the barbaric treatment of two political prisoners. On Thursday May 24th, Arash Sadeghi, Iranian student and political prisoner finally was allowed to receive a visit from his grandfather after 130 days of detention. This visit took place in section 209 of Evin… Continue reading Arash Sadeghi and Hossein Ronaghi on Hunger Strike – Solidarity needed

Clandestine gay rights rally in Tehran

‘It’s not easy to be gay in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A recent United Nations report decried “harassment, persecution, cruel punishment and even the death penalty.” Because Islamic law requires four adult male witnesses to prosecute sodomy, Iranian police typically seek confessions, often through torture. Women, easier to convict, are given 100 lashes for… Continue reading Clandestine gay rights rally in Tehran

Threat of war increases after 5+1 talks collapse

As  Hopi predicted, the so-called “5+1 talks” in Baghdad have not been able to resolve the stand-off between Iran and western imperialism. Both sides cannot afford to “lose face” and are pushing towards war for their own reasons. For some background on this, see this article by Yassamine Mather: ‘Imperialism finds new pretext for threats’.… Continue reading Threat of war increases after 5+1 talks collapse

Categorised as Articles

We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana!

We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana! On Monday the 20th of May, Dr Raisdana – academic, leftwing economist and writer – was arrested and sent to the notorious Evin prison. He is a well known intellectual, economist, social activist and member of the Iranian writers’ association. He has published several books and… Continue reading We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana!

A letter by death row prisoners Zanyar and Loghman Moradi for May 9

Execution is a weapon of choice for the Iranian regime when dealing with trade unionists, leftists, and  Iran’s ethnic minorities. Below we link to a letter by death row prisoners Zanyar and Loghman Moradi, of Iran’s Kurdish minority. After a trial lasting 20 minutes,  the pair were convicted for allegedly assassinating the son of a… Continue reading A letter by death row prisoners Zanyar and Loghman Moradi for May 9

Videos from Hopi’s weekend school

Hopi’s weekend school took place on April 21-22 2012 in London. The rest of the videos will be available soon. For a report of the event, see here: