Protest against extradition to Iran of two labour activists!

Bina Darabzand, a leading member of the Consistency Committee to Establish Workers’ Organizations in Iran, and his son Oktai, a journalist and blogger, have recently fled Iran due to threats by the Islamic Republic regime against their lives and security. They have sought refugee status in Turkey; however, they remain under pressure from the Turkish… Continue reading Protest against extradition to Iran of two labour activists!

Video: Syrian Khamenei supporters attack anti-war Iranians

On January 28 around 300 protesters gathered at the American embassy to oppose the increasingly bellicose rhetoric against Iran and Syria. Called by the Stop the War Coalition under the title of ‘Stop the war before it starts: don’t attack Iran/Syria’, the protest was in many respects something that seasoned activists in the anti-war movement… Continue reading Video: Syrian Khamenei supporters attack anti-war Iranians

Make your voice heard: No war on Iran! For regime change from below!

The war drums against Iran are beating ever louder. The new embargo on Iranian oil, to come into force on July 1, is only the latest in a long list of measures imposed by US and EU imperialism. It bans all new oil contracts with Iran, and cuts off all existing deals. Also, all of… Continue reading Make your voice heard: No war on Iran! For regime change from below!

Recommended readings by Iraj Seif

Iraj Seif is an Iranian economist and blogger. His recent articles include: – The risk of famine in Iran: – A dangerous game in Tehran (about the conflict between Khamenei and Ahmadinejad: – The political economy of contemporary Iran: More articles on

Trade Unionist Reza Shahabi on Hunger Strike

Board member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company Reza Shahabi began a hunger strike on Tuesday 22 November. Shahabi is a leading trade unionist and a symbol of working class resistance to the theocratic regime and begun his strike in protest to the 18 months of imprisonment and legal limbo.… Continue reading Trade Unionist Reza Shahabi on Hunger Strike

Farsi audio: Interview with Yassamine Mather

In an interview with Rahekargar radio, Hopi chair Yassamine Mather talked about the crisis in the Eurozone. In the second part, she gave an overview of the sessions on the Middle East that were heard at the Historical materialism conference in London