Three waves of protest

Feelings of injustice, a lack of rights and a sense of betrayal have become universal and act as psychological and subjective drivers of protest, writes Ardeshir Mehrdad. But how can protest be forged into a movement than can topple the regime? Since the beginning of the 1990s, Iranian society has witnessed successive waves of protest.… Continue reading Three waves of protest

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Statement on the US-Iran crisis

Trump’s reckless drone assassination has actually strengthened the reactionary Islamic Republic in Tehran, states Hands Off the People of Iran. Hands Off the People of Iran unequivocally condemns the United States assassination on January 3 of the commander-in-chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Qassem Soleimani – the culmination of the latest bout of sabre-rattling between the… Continue reading Statement on the US-Iran crisis

Interview on the Iran crisis

HOPI chair Yassamine Mather has been interviewed by Counterpunch Radio in the US, on the international crisis sparked by president Trump’s assassination of Qassam Soleimani and the effects within Iran. | Listen to the interview here Yassamine is also quoted in this news story, written before Iran’s admission that a Ukrainian jet was brought down… Continue reading Interview on the Iran crisis

Threat of war is real

With Iran partially withdrawing from the nuclear deal and the US imposing yet more sanctions, tensions are rising fast. This is an edited version of an opening given by Yassamine Mather on the political situation in the Middle East A common question journalists ask these days – if they are not asking about Brexit –… Continue reading Threat of war is real

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Raking in fortunes

It is workers who have been hit the most, writes Yassamine Mather, while those close to the regime have benefited enormously We all remember Hillary Clinton’s promise of “targeted sanctions” against Iran’s Islamic republic. They were deployed to ‘moderate’ the Shia government’s regional policies, as well as its internal human rights record. Of course, anyone… Continue reading Raking in fortunes

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Forty years of inequality

The US administration preferred Islamists to leftists, says Yassamine Mather Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the February 1979 uprising in Iran has been marked by dozens of scholarly seminars in Europe, numerous documentaries produced by the Persian-language media, as well the usual military parade inside the country. Documentaries produced outside Iran concentrate on memoirs… Continue reading Forty years of inequality

Israel and Saudi Arabia in cahoots

Saudi plans for regional domination are not meeting with much success, writes Yassamine Mather More than six weeks after the death of Jamal Khashoggi we know a lot more about his tragic plight after he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. However, it is still unclear who ordered his execution, what will be done about… Continue reading Israel and Saudi Arabia in cahoots

The Iranian opposition: fishing in muddy waters

Repression and exile have clouded the view of Iranian anti-government forces, writes Mohamad Moein in Tehran Throughout history governments have faced opposition to their rule and the current period is no exception. These days in Iran , the opponents of the Islamic Republic are known as the opposition. In English speaking countries, the term opposition… Continue reading The Iranian opposition: fishing in muddy waters